How can we work together on your project?

There are several ways to work together:

  • Turnkey project. From civil foundations to commissioning; everything is done by us. You receive your plant running at your satisfaction.
  • Machinery supply only. SIME Ingenieros supplies all machinery and commissions the plant. The buyer is responsible for the construction of civil foundations and structures, manufacturing ducts and the plant erection.
  • Machinery supply only except for hoppers and silos. SIME Ingenieros supplies all machinery except for storage components such as hoppers and silos, and commissions the plant. The buyer is responsible for manufacturing hoppers and silos using workshop drawings provided by SIME Ingenieros, as well as the construction of civil foundations and structures, manufacturing ducts and the plant erection.
  • Partial machinery supply. SIME Ingenieros supplies key machinery such as crushers, mills, kiln, grate cooler and bag filters, and commissions the plant. The rest of the machinery is manufactured by the buyer using workshop drawings provided by SIME. As in the previous case, the buyer is also responsible for the civil foundations, structures, ducts and the plant erection.

In all previous cases, SIME Ingenieros develops the basic engineering and layout. Except for the turnkey project, electrical equipment may also be provided either by client or by SIME.